Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A tribute to the house I called home

28 years ago my dad and my grandpa built the log home I grew up in. I was barely 4 years old but I still remember watching my dad lay the stones in the living room that would line our walls behind the fireplace. I remember the cabinets and drawers being installed in the upstairs bathroom. This house would be my home for the next 20 years.


 I knew when I started school that my house was special because when my friends would come over they all thought it was so cool that I lived in a log cabin. I never saw it as an exotic home before that. It was just my house. It was a big house with a big backyard and a pond. My grandparents lived in the happy yellow house next door and my best friends were my neighbors. It was the perfect place to grow up.

We enjoyed our backyard year round. In the fall we raked leaves in large piles so we could jump in them. In the winter we built snowmen and snow forts to play in. In the spring we helped plant vegetables in the garden and watched the baby geese grow up. In the summer we swam in our pool,  caught frogs and turtles in the pond, and we even camped out in our tent at night. We always had fun. If I close my eyes and picture my backyard I see the red picnic table next to the big oak tree, my dad mowing the lawn on his tractor, my mom hanging our towels to dry on the clothesline, and my sisters and I with nets running around the pond. It makes me happy to remember it this way.

We hosted many family gatherings and parties at our house and everyone always ended up in our kitchen. It was cozy- red and white checkered designs and a beautiful bay window overlooking the pond that my mom would decorate with garland and lights year round. Growing up we ate dinner as a family every night around our small kitchen table. It was important to my parents that we all sat down together for at least one meal.  I think it helped shape who we are today as we all have a passion for food and a strong sense of family values. I appreciate this now more than ever.

Our finished basement was another entertaining place to hang out. We had a projector and 2 huge surround sound speakers so we could watch movies on our giant wall. This was a big hit with our friends. I remember when Apollo 13 came out on DVD my dad watched it numerous times and I swear it sounded like the shuttle was taking off from our basement! The whole house shook! My sisters and I often spent the night in the basement sleeping together on our pull out sofa watching movies all night and eating popcorn or whatever snacks my mom would make for us. It was the best!

Our bedrooms changed over the years. I shared a room with my big sister until we got to the age where it was no longer cool to share a room. She moved into the bedroom my dad added in the basement and stayed there until the year she moved to Colorado. She was the first to move out of the house. I remember waving goodbye to her in the driveway as she drove away in her Jeep until I couldn't see her anymore. I ran down the 13 stairs to her bedroom where we hung out together often, and cried my eyes out. I have never been good at saying goodbye. A few years later my grandpa passed away which was one of the hardest losses I have experienced in my life. My amazing grandma moved into our home shortly after that.  I gave her my room upstairs and took my sister's room in the basement. I love that I got to live with my grandma for almost a year in our house. I was the next one to leave.  I moved to Florida to finish school and to live with Jim (my boyfriend then, my husband now). It was my turn to be the one pulling away from the driveway, but I was still balling my eyes out. It was my first time living on my own and away from my family, my house, and everything familiar to me.

I came back as often as I could to visit. I loved coming down Grove Avenue and pulling into our familiar driveway every time. There were always happy faces to greet me. In 2008 Jim and I got married and even though we lived in Florida we decided to have our wedding in Illinois so everyone in our families could attend. I had my wedding photos taken in our backyard. People asked me when I came back where my beautiful pictures were taken and I was proud to tell them it was my home. 

More moves took place in 2012. Jim and I made another cross country move from Florida to Colorado- one that I am very happy we made! My little sister moved out of the house into her own beautiful home about 25 minutes away from my mom and dad. I was not there to witness her moving day but I know it was an emotional one for both her and my parents. It was just my mom, dad, and grandma left. Not too long after my little sister moved out my grandma became real sick. It was a battle she would not win. She passed away in November 2012. It was another huge blow to our family.  

My parents made the decision that it was time to move on. Their ultimate goal has always been to make it out west. After years of helping my sisters and I follow our dreams, it is time for them to focus on their own. It was not easy but they put our house up for sale at the beginning of the year. It is no surprise to me that it took less than 6 months to sell. They have maintained the house beautifully. Today it was my parents turn to say goodbye. 

I wish I could have made one last trip back, but maybe it is for the best. I will always remember the house the way it was when my family lived there. I loved everything about our log cabin, but it was the people in it that made it home. I love you Dad, Mom, Alyssa, and Kristina! Fare you well 1118 N. Grove Ave. You will always have a special place in my heart.

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