Sunday, February 10, 2013

5 Reasons I Love to Hike

1. The fresh air- it does wonders for me! I feel so much more relaxed when I am playing outside...especially after being cooped up all week at work. I love the smell of the pine trees- so refreshing. I like taking in deep breaths while I hike. Jim and I also learned something about Ponderosa Pine trees from a park ranger at Rocky Mountain National Park this past summer- the bark smells like vanilla or butterscotch. Next time you are hiking on a warm, sunny day find a Ponderosa Pine tree, sniff the sap between cracks in the bark and see for yourself! :)
Ponderosa Pines

2. The wildlife encounters- you never know what you are going to see and that is always exciting.
The chipmunks at Rocky Mountain National Park are not shy at all!
We were lucky enough to stumble upon a mother mule deer and her fawn last summer...a very special experience!

So many beautiful butterflies! I am hoping this year to be able to identify the different species.

A rattlesnake that my brother-in-law and I encountered on our way back to the trailhead one day. Luckily we made it past him without any trouble.

3. Identifying plants and wildflowers-  It has never been enough for me to spot a flower and say "gee whiz that is a pretty flower." I need to know what it is. I have always loved botany and was lucky enough to take some pretty great courses in college. It is nice being able to apply the skills I learned in the field. My sister and brother-in-law bought me a Colorado Wildflower field guide for my birthday last year which I have put to great use! I also purchased the Colorado Rocky Mountain Wildflower app for my phone that describes and shows photographs of over 500 wildflowers, ferns, shrubs, and trees.
I am getting pretty good at identifying flowers now on the trails.
Dalmation Toadflax
Tufted Fleabane
Columbian Monkshood
Wild Plum Flower

4. The journey- Ralph Waldo Emerson said "life is a journey, not a destination." When you slow down to a walking pace you see the world with different eyes. Things become more clear. Your senses are heightened- you notice the texture of the bark, the color of the leaves, the smell of the trees, the songs of the birds. Everything is refreshingly beautiful. I love that.
5. The feeling of accomplishment- Some of the hikes I have done are strenuous so just making it to the end is a challenge! That feeling you get when you reach the summit is so rewarding. After a day of hiking I always feel great physically, mentally, and spiritually. I can't think of a better way to spend a beautiful day!
Green Mountain Summit- 8,144 ft
What are your favorite things about hiking? 

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